The river is still elevated about 13 feet above normal, but the debris is not nearly as bad as it was. We left Demopolis on Wed the 18th, spent one night on the hook, the overnight temps dipped to the low 30's, which brought in the fog. The next evening we were at Bobby's fish camp, where we rafted off another boat, and had fried catfish dinners at the restaurant.
The following 2 evenings we spent on the hook in various anchorages along the way. We are about a day away from Mobile Bay, as of today. The weather is calling for a front to come thru, as a result the bay will be a bit too choppy to be comfortable. So we will stay in the anchorage for another evening. Monday is reported to be a better day to enter Mobile Bay. Our only agenda at the moment is to be in Pensacola for Thanksgiving. My cousin Cindy and her husband Jim have graciously invited us, along with Ted and Nancy from "Aloha Friday"to join them for the holiday.
2 of the pictures above are of other boats we have been traveling with off and on. "Magnolia" is David and Diane, they are from Mississippi, they are going as far as Orange Beach, FL. They are not doing the loop this year, maybe next. "Magnolia" is a catamaran, a 44 foot Endeavour. This is the first time I was ever on a cat, I was very surprised how much room there is.
The other boat is also a cat, "Echo Tango" is Emmett and Taryn's, they are from Wisconsin. They are very young, early 20's, also not doing the loop, just going down to Florida. They were fun to spend some time with. We wish them safe travels, and calm waters.
Here is a sample of more "prime real estate" along the Tombigbee Waterway.
Hopefully by the next posting we will be in the gulf.